
Our Venues


We primarily work with venues that are wheel-chair accessible and have wheel-chair accessible toilets. This will be clearly communicated in the promotion of our events.

All of our festival volunteers will be trained to operate lifts, offer guidance etc.


We aim to work with venues that offer gender-neutral toilets.

Print Materials

For our annual festival, we create a series of print materials (brochure, poster etc.). Text-only and large print versions of these materials are made available for download online and at the festival box office.

Quiet Space

When possible we create a Quiet Space at our festival venues.


Seating at our venues varies but is always available. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to reserve seating please contact

Assistance Dogs

We aim to work with venues where assistance dogs are welcome.

Access at Film Screenings

Sliding Scale Tickets

In order to make Femspectives more accessible to those on a low income, we use a sliding scale ticket price of £0-£8 for our events. You can choose what you pay based on your circumstances – you won’t be asked for any proof / ID, we just ask for your honesty!

For more information, visit our Ticket Info page.

Start + End Times

Start and end times of all events are noted on our event pages on our website, Facebook events and Eventbrite pages.

Key to Access Symbols

We use the following access symbols in our print materials and online to highlight events with post-screening discussions, closed captions and BSL interpretation.

Subtitles + Captions

We screen all films with English subtitles and aim to screen as many films as possible with captions.

BSL Interpretation

We strive to provide BSL interpretation for some of our events and will communicate this clearly in our event promotion.

Relaxed Screenings

Some of our events are Relaxed Screenings (autism-friendly) with lower volume, increased light levels and more space to move around.


Many of our events are followed by post-screening discussions. These are clearly marked in event promotion. Our discussions are participatory and everyone is welcome to contribute.

Content Warnings

We provide an overview of content warnings for our public screenings.

Additional Access

Travel Fund

During the festival, we have a Travel Fund available for anyone who needs support getting to/from our venues in order to attend our events.

For more info, visit our Travel Fund page.

Translation Fund

During the festival, we are happy to provide translations for individuals and groups who are not confident to converse entirely in English. If you’d like to have a translator present or receive translated programme notes, please contact us via email with your language requirements and which events you would like to attend at

Safe Space Policy

Our Safe Space Policy applies throughout the duration of the festival. Please make yourself familiar with this document. If you have any concerns, get in touch with the festival organisers via email on or in person at one of our events.