“Every period of time presents a range of things that must be resisted.” – Marko Stojiljković about MOMENTS OF RESISTANCE
Even though it only refers to one specific film in our programme, this quote could easily refer to all five events in our strand COLLECTIVE MEMORY: TRAUMA AND NATION.
For the longest time womxn have been excluded from decision-making processes and from the search for solutions to our planet’s urgent problems.
And yet, we know how much womxn could contribute if only their lived experiences were at the heart of finding solutions for pertinent issues around the globe.
Seeing the increased representation of womxn in politics gives us hope, but there is still a lot of work to be done. We also must not forget about the womxn who are passionate advocates for change at the grassroots level.
The womxn featured across the four films in this strand are contributing multi-faceted, complex and incredibly important perspectives on issues related to trauma, colonialism, politics, migration and systemic racism. They all explore the power of memory and the role it plays in resistance and change.
- In nîpawistamâsowin: WE WILL STAND UP the family of late Colten Boushie, a young Cree man who was killed by a farmer for trespassing on his land, shines a light on systemic racism in the Canadian legal system. Book tickets for Friday, 21 February here.
- AFTER WINTER COMES SPRING is a title from the archive. In 1988 director Helke Misselwitz travelled around the GDR to interview womxn from all walks of life about their experience of living within the communist system. Book tickets for Saturday, 22 February here.
- Jo Schmeiser’s MOMENTS OF RESISTANCE is a meditative exploration of different resistance movements across time and continents that draws parallels between different forms of resistance and fosters solidarity. Jo Schmeiser will be present at the film screening (more info about our guests here) & share her experiences in a post-screening discussion. Book tickets for Saturday, 22 February here.
- OVERSEAS is a glimpse into the lives of young Filipino womxn who train to be domestic workers abroad. The film touches on subjects such as modern-day slavery and worker’s rights and presents an intimate portrait of the women facing various economic and social pressures. Post-screening discussion with Emma Ritch and Sofi Taylor. Book tickets for Sunday, 23 February here.
In addition to the films, this strand is rounded off by a workshop presented by Oxfam Scotland: HAVING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS. Book a workshop place on Sunday, 23 February here.
Events in this strand:

nîpawistamâsowin: WE WILL STAND UP
UK Premiere
Friday, 21 February, 7 pm
Event Space
Tasha Hubbard
Canada 2019 | English, Cree | 98’ | N/C 12+
Get tickets here.

Saturday, 22 February, 3.30 pm
Event Space
Helke Misselwitz
Germany 1988 | German | 116’ | N/C 12+
In collaboration with Goethe-Institut Glasgow.
Get tickets here.

UK Premiere
Saturday, 22 February, 6 pm
Event Space
Jo Schmeiser
Austria 2019 | German, French, Dari | 98’ | N/C 12+
In partnership with Document.
Get tickets here.

Scottish Premiere
Sunday, 23 February, 1 pm
Event Space
Sung-A Yoon
France/Belgium 2019 | Tagalog, Ilonggo, English | 88’ | N/C 12+
In partnership with Engender.
Get tickets here.

Sunday, 23 February, 1 to 3 pm
Presented by Eloise Vicedomini from Oxfam Scotland. In partnership with Oxfam Scotland.
Free, but ticketed. Register here.