UPDATE (1 February 2020): The deadline to apply to vonulteer at Femspectives 2020 has now passed. Many thanks for everyone you sent an application. We will be in touch shortly!
Femspectives is looking for volunteers to help deliver its second festival edition – applications are now open!
Femspectives 2020 will take place at Civic House from 20-23 February 2020 and bring a range of feminist films and special events to the city of Glasgow. Volunteering at Femspectives is a fantastic opportunity to work with a young, feminist organisation and be a part of delivering engaging and community-focused events that use films by womxn as a spring-board for participatory discussions.
We’d love for you to be on board and join our team!
UPDATE (1 February 2020): Note, that the deadline has now passed.
The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020.
No previous experience is required, but lots of enthusiasm for feminist storytelling and conversations about feminisms, social issues, and politics.
Volunteers are a crucial part of the Femspectives team. You will welcome audiences, help at the box office to sell merch and tickets, answer questions from festival guests, assist with admission and ushering, distribute + collect feedback sheets, and help with re-organising chairs between events.
We will hold two training sessions before the festival – every volunteer is expected to attend one of these. You can choose which one. [Dates tbc]
Expenses of up to £10/shift will be reimbursed for travel to and from the festival venue.
All shifts will last between 4 and 6 hours with breaks. You must commit to a minimum of 2 shifts. You will be working in teams, but might be asked to fulfil some tasks independently. You will be able to attend film screenings and special events throughout the festival.
We ask you to review our Mission Statement, our Equalities & Diversity Policy as well as our Safe Space Policy. These contain the principles we work towards.